Monday, May 30, 2016

How Sitting Down Inside Your Office Is Slowly Killing You

An office can turn out to be a stressful and unsafe environment if not managed properly. With the kind of climate and the type of environment here in the Philippines, even the simple selection of office furniture and office chairs can make that difference in the safety of your employees. Contrary to popular belief, there are as much as work hazards of white collar job as there are for blue collar jobs. One of these hazards is the danger that poor posture can bring.

Office work nowadays can solely be accomplished by sitting down in front of a computer. This might sound easy in plain view since there are only minimal movements involved. But if you will look closely, the mere fact that office works involve minimal movements can be harmful, especially if you are not observing proper posture.

Complications that are caused by poor posture are things that will be felt by both the body and the mind. And if not corrected in time, poor posture may affect not only physical work but also your emotional and mental functions. Some of the negative effects of poor posture are the following:

Frequent Mood Swings
It is a given that whenever we are in pain, our mood is affected and we tend to get irritable easily. This can be associated with stress build-up that contributes to more complications. It may weaken your immune system, make you look older, make you gain weight, and ruin your teeth from food- and muscle-related stress coping mechanisms.

Improper Digestion
Incorrect posture is bad for the digestive system. Since your organs become compressed for seating for a very long time, this may result in discomfort, constipation, and even delayed metabolic conversion

Varicose Veins
Sitting still for long periods of time will have a toll on your legs and can lead to the formation of spider veins, particularly in women. The increased pressure of sitting and lack of circulation throughout the body is to blame for this.

Heart Attack
According to a 2010 study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, men who were sedentary for more than 23 hours per week had a greater risk of heart attacks.

Aside from these health effects, improper posture may also convey an image of disinterest, boredom, and nervousness that may affect how you communicate with other people. It will also make you less attractive and will give you an impression of the unhealthy lifestyle.

Poor posture is not a simple matter that should be taken lightly. With the innovation of time and involvement of more office works that can be accomplished in front of a computer, it will be expected that more office people will be exposed to the dangers of poor posture. To avoid this, make sure to allot a few minutes to stretch out and stand up once in a while to loosen up the tension in your body. You can also choose an office chair that is both comfortable, supports the back and spinal column and is made of materials that are ideal for Philippine weather.

Monday, May 16, 2016

6 Tips On How You Can Start Being An Organized Person

For those who are not naturally born organized people, sticking to the work system and committing to it can be a real pain and very straining. It takes consistency and dedication to keep it working. Even a moment of laziness can easily throw you off and will defeat the purpose of the system.

We know, some people might prefer the organized chaos, but being tidy has its own unique perks. Being organized has been statistically proven to actually improve work performance. It also gives you a mental boost by giving you the feeling of being in control. And of course, it saves you from those mini-heart attacks of not knowing which filing cabinet in the Philippines you have misplaced that very important document that is due in a few minutes.

If you are one of those guys who are having troubles with keeping your documents in tip-top condition and sorted in your office filing cabinet, fret not for it is not yet too late. There are several things that can help you to become an organized person.

1. Do it now. Chances are if you will let small tasks pile up, it will snowball into one big straining avalanche of a problem. So if you have the time to answer those email inquiries, do it now. Yes. Now!

2. Set your priorities straight. You’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish if you will spend your first few minutes on planning the day ahead. This will also save you from those missed deadlines.

3. Put it where it goes. Don’t leave your things lying out in the open. Decide whether it should be kept, filed, or tossed in the trash bin.

4. Write dates on your calendars and remember to check the calendar every day.

5. Invest on organizing gadgets and use them. There are many office stores in the Philippines that can offer you stylish filing cabinets, desk drawers, and in/out boxes. If utilized carefully, you will be surprised on how much time you can save for actual office work rather than look around for a misplaced item.

6. Never ever feel that the energy you spent for doing small organizing is wasted energy. Chances are you will be spending a lot more energy looking for the things you have misplaced.

7. Develop a routine and stick to it. Commitment is the key to staying organized. This doesn’t really mean that you will have a bunch of identical days doing the same things over and over again. This just means that you should develop a response for every work task that may come up. A pile of documents has been dropped to your desk? Check it immediately and sort it out. You just received a call? Write down the details so you won’t forget.

Not everyone may be gifted with hands that can turn clutter into order. But with the right mindset and knowing the right things to do, anyone can get away from the struggles of disorganization.
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